Distress Tolerance means the coping skills necessary to tolerate unsolved problems, without making them worse.
"There are two main rules of crisis survival. The first rule is, if you are in a crisis and you can solve the problem now, solve it. Ok. Rule 1: Solve the problem if you can solve it. Alright. The second rule of crisis survival is if you can't solve the problem, survive it. Got that? What are they? The first rule: solve it. The second rule: survive it. "
The BPD Tool - using the principle of Wise Mind in a practical way
Dealing with Distress - an introduction to healthy coping strategies (Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation & Interpersonal Effectiveness webpages combined in one 36 page downloadable booklet)
- Tolerating Stress when a problem is not solvable now, such as Tantrums
- Distraction (Wise Mind Accepts): Parent and Child
- Self-Soothe: Parent and Child
- IMPROVE the moment: Parent and Child
- Pros & Cons
- Alternate Rebellion: Teens
- Panic List: Parent Overwhelm
- Radical Acceptance
- Willingness vs. Willfulness
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